Committee Welcoming Speech

Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani Ph.D
The COVID-19 pandemic has made many changes to the system of human life, and it requires individuals to adapt by having digitalization in most aspects of life. All activities must continue to be carried out as they should, and modified with mechanisms that depend on technology. The closest example is the holding of this conference, which is usually held offline, but amid limitations, it is now held in online situation.
On the other hand, we must not only be prepared, but also to maintain productivity we need to be nimble and flexible to all changes and technological advances. Working online makes us have to practice the flexibility in managing time, energy, and focus. Working while staying at home means that we must always be ready whenever needed by either our colleagues or family members. Productivity is the key to keep our activities running.
To be productive while facing more challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have to stay resilience. We have to continue to develop ourselves and avoid being resistant with the changes. Therefore, we can maintain and even develop our creativity in work, find new methods, develop techniques in presenting ideas to be easily understood, interesting, and not boring.
However, we must maintain our well-being in order to adapt and survive well in the midst of these challenges. By being always in a state of well-being, individuals can be productive and resilient in any way.
Therefore, the 19th IPRC 2022 carries the theme “Digital Resilience: Productivity & Well-being” with the hope that all of us can explore this phenomenon from various scientific perspectives. We also hope that this event can explore new insights and experiences for participants and presenters, and can facilitate academic collaboration between universities, despite the limitations in pandemic situation
List of Committee
Committee | Chairperson | Members |
Steering Committee (SC) | Dr. Setiawati Intan Savitri, M.Si | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kanu Priya Mohan (BSRI) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ungsinun Intrakamhang (BSRI) Prof. Dr. Shukran Abd Rahman (IIUM) Dr. Setiawati Intan Savitri, M.Si (UMB) Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani, Ph.D – President (SCC) (UMB) Ms. Yenny, M.Psi. Psikolog – Deputy of Chairman (OC) (UMB) Ms. Prahastia Kurnia Putri, M. Psi. Secretary (SCC) (UMB) Ms. Susanti Komalasari, S. Sos. – Treasurer (UMB) |
Scientific Committee (SCC) | Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani, Ph.D | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazariah Shar’ie Janon (IIUM) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Diana Mohd Mahudin (IIUM) Dr. Pamilia Lourdunathan (IIUM) Dr. Jusmawati Fauzaman (IIUM) Ms. Nurul Miza Mohd Rashid (IIUM) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ungsinun Intarakamhang (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Thasuk Junprasert (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Narisara Peungposop (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Nanchatsan Sakunpong(BSRI) Dr. Narulmon Prayai (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Saran Pimthong (BSRI) Dr. Krittipat Chuenphitthayavut (BSRI) Dr. Sittiporn Kramanon (BSRI) Dr. Korkiat Mahaveerachartkul (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Numchai Supparerkchaisakul (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Polthep Poonpol (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchayanee Poonpol (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Yutthana Chaijukul (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Sudarat Tuntivivat (BSRI) Asst. Prof. Dr. Kanu Priya Mohan (BSRI) Ms. Melani Aprianti, , M. Psi. Psikolog (UMB) Dr. Dearly, M. Psi. Psikolog – MerPsy (UMB-National Students Journal) Dr. Istiqomah, S. Psi., M. Si. (UMB) Ms. Rizki Dawanti, M. Psi. Psikolog (UMB) Ms. Prahastia Kurnia Putri, M. Psi. Psikolog – JBUMB (National Journal, Sinta accreditation in progress) Ms. Dina Syakina, S. Psi., M. Si (UMB) Ms. Dian Din Astuti Mulia, S. Psi., M.A (UMB) Ms. Pratiwi Triasti, S. Psi., MM (UMB) Mr. Yananto Mihadi Putra, S.E., M.Si. (UMB) Mr. Goffari Maulana, S.Si. (UMB) Mr. Rio Aditia, S.Kom. (UMB) Ms. Citra Dewi Jivanti (UMB) Mr. Gian Maulana (UMB) Ms. Meutia Sepriyanti (UMB) Mr. Alvito Dimas Abimanyu (UMB) Ms. Lestari Kurnia Ningsih (UMB) |
Organizing Committee (OC) | Ms. Yenny, , M. Psi. Psikolog | Ms. Karisma Riskinanti, M. Psi. Psikolog Ms. Erna Risnawati, S. Psi., M. Si. Mr. Muhamad Lutfi, S. Psi., M. Sc. Ms. Winy Nila Wisudawati, M. Psi. Psikolog Ms. Wenny Hikmah Syaputri, M. Psi. Psikolog Ms. Nurul Adiningtyas, M. Psi. Psikolog Ms. Arifatul Bahirah, M. Psi. Psikolog Mr. Dhani Irmawan, S. Psi., M, Sc. Mr. Andhika Wisnu Aji, S. Kom. Ms. Hifizah Nur, S. Psi., MA. Ms. Tejarukmi Mutiara, M. Psi. Psikolog Ms. Miftakhul Nuuril Azizah, MA. Ms. Putri Devia Larasati, S. Psi. Ms. Susan Komalasari, S. Sos. |